What’s New for investors?

French President Emmanuel Macron has made it clear: foreign investors are much welcomed in France. Numerous reforms have been conducted since 2017 to improve the competitiveness and attractiveness of France economy, be it in the industry, high tech, for R&D… In addition, the current health and economic situation has lead the French government to launch various measures for recovery and economic development:

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Finding a ready-to-use site throughout France’s regions
Find out how we can provide investors with ready-to-use industrial sites, close to the most dynamic economic hubs in Europe, and speed up the implementation of their projects. Read more

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Flagship Reforms since 2017
The French government has been committed to a program of structural reforms to transform the economy, the lives of businesses and boost competitiveness. Learn more

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The France 2030: an unprecedented investment plan of €54 billion to build the France of tomorrow.
Sets out a twofold ambition: sustainably transforming key sectors of our economy (energy, automotive, aeronautics and space) through technological innovation, and positioning France not only as a player but as a leader in the world of tomorrow. From basic research to the emergence of an idea and the creation of a new product or service, France 2030 supports the entire life cycle of innovation right up to industrialization. Learn more

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Foreign investment projects in France on the rise in 2022
1,725 foreign investment projects
, creating or maintaining 58,810 jobs. Read more

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Find all the news on international investment in France

แก้ไขล่าสุดเมื่อ : 16/05/2023
